Visit Tomacado in

8 Cities, 13 Stores

"One Store, One Theme."

Each Tomacado store is designed to reflect the local culture and ambiance of its specific location. A theme flower is carefully chosen as inspiration for the store's spatial design. At Tomacado, you can fully embrace a unique lifestyle and discover a serene garden within the bustling cityscape.

Tomacado gardens for you

  • 「The Garden of Moutan Peony」

    Address: East Block WF Central, Beijing, China

  • Address: MIXC World, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

  • Address: Garden Expo Park, Jiangsu, China

  • 「The Garden of Rainforest」

    Address: China World Mall, Beijing, China

  • 「The Garden of Sunshine」

    Address: Chaoyang Joy City, Beijing, China

  • 「The Garden of Magnolia」

    Address: IFC, Shanghai, China

  • 「The Outdoor Garden」

    Address: One ITC, Shanghai, China

  • 「The Garden of Botanics」

    Address: One Avenue, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

  • 「The Garden of Camellia」

    Address: IFC, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

  • 「The Garden of Tulip」

    Address: Center 66, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

  • 「The Garden of Morocco」

    Address: IFC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

  • 「The Garden of Lotus」

    Address: in77, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

  • 「The Garden of Bauhinia variegata」

    Address: World Trade Centre, Hong Kong, China

Tomacado menus for you

A la carte menu

Set menu

Afternoon tea set

Signature Dishes

Food is the soul of Tomacado. We select the best ingredients to present a memorable dining experience for you and your friends & family. We cook for love, which is the secret recipe of dishes.